Been gone so long

11 09 2011

But I’m back. I’m switching sides. Defecting. Paleo here I come.

Been strict paleo for 5 days. But it is keto style following Dr. Jack Kruse’s Lepting Reset protocol. Just do it!

I have my Mom on it as well and she is sleeping better than she has in years and has lost ten pounds. She is doing a low-fat version for now, but I’m trying to talk her into adding more fat.

So let’s talk about my favorite topic for a while…

25 05 2009

It’s me of course.

I thought I’d mention my recent regimine for health and well being.

The diet part is easy, lots of non-starchy vegetables, some key supplements (turmeric, fish oil, vitamin D, magnesium), lots of meat, a little bit of cheese, and that is about it. I have freed myself from the burden of a daily pot of coffee (and then some) each morning before work and now drink over a gallon of water per day, along with several cups of green tea, and the occasional energy drink (I can’t help it, I’m a speed freak!).

Not really a diet thing per say, but I also fast twice per week. First on Sundays and then on Tuesdays. Some times Thursdays as well, but depending on how hungry I am on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I won’t fast for a full 24 hours. I’ll allow myself a nice big meal before bed (otherwise, I simply cannot sleep). I keep it low carb, though.

The physical part is also easy. 10 minutes of yoga (spinal stretches), followed by jumping jacks (to get the blood pumping), and then a minimum of 15 minutes of meditation. This is my daily routine. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays (and some Saturdays I’ll do just an arm workout as well) I lift weights. This is a variation on HST where I do a set of 15 on Mondays, a set of 10 on Wednesdays, and a set of 5 repetitions on Fridays. When I do the arms on Saturdays, I keep lifting until I cannot lift any more.

The exercises I do as part of my strength training routine are:

  • Squats (for the Quadriceps and general ramping up of HGH/Testosterone at the beginning of the workout)
  • Single Leg Stiff Legged Dead lifts (for Hamstrings and Lower back)
  • Shoulder Press (for Deltoids of course)
  • Bench Press
  • Bent Over Rows (for the Lats)

Because I’m focusing on fat loss, I stop there. I do this routine on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning, and follow it up with breakfast (6 Omega3 eggs with turmeric, spinach, broccoli, onions, green peppers, sausage, and salsa). I don’t do the protein shake thing anymore. Once I get below 300 and its time to add some serious amounts of muscle, I may revisit this decision.

I’m not sure about the rest of you, but I seem to have such an easy time putting on muscle that the above routine is almost too much. It really seems to slow my weight loss. However, lifting weights makes me feel so good that I cannot see bringing myself to only lift twice per week (which is recommended by several people I respect for weight loss). Oh well, I only lose 2 or 3 pounds per week. I feel great, and I’m holding on to my muscle.

I also walk on occasion, I walk for a mile or so with my daughter Hannah 2 or 3 times per week. This isn’t really for exercise, it’s more Daddy-Daughter time than anything.

The biggest change in my life, which really seems to make getting healthy much easier is my focus on spirituality and overall health and well-being. You cannot neglect your connection to source. God is what will save you (whatever or whoever God is for you).

Also, working on myself. I realized that because my Mother showed me basically no affection when I was growing up (not blaming her, she was a saint compared to her own mother), I didn’t develop emotionally like I should have. I carry a lot of shame, especially around wanting/needing to be loved. This is a major cause of addiction in the world. Lots of screwed up parents (doing the best they knew how of course, we need to have compassion for them, because they were little children once as well, and were screwed over by their parents) didn’t give their kids the emotional bonding/attention that the kids needed so of course, the kids don’t know how to love others, receive love, or even love themselves.

Something that helped me was identifying my limiting beliefs (especially not deserving to be loved), writing them down on a note card, then writing new beliefs that were opposite to these (such as “I deserve to be loved”, “I deserve happiness”, and “I am connected in meaningful ways to others”), I then spoke out loud that I chose these new beliefs, and that from now on, the old beliefs were history. I then burned the old belief card (I should have maybe had Taps playing in the background when I did this).

This is all symbolic of course, and probably won’t be enough to instantly and permanently change my limiting beliefs, however, identifying the limiting beliefs, intentionally choosing new beliefs, and symbolically letting go of the old beliefs plants and nurtures the seed of change. Some day this too will be a mighty oak reaching for the sky…

Like you needed an excuse to eat more blueberries

25 05 2009

Here’s one anyway. Blueberries have helped rats lose fat. Now of course, we’re not rats, (well, I’m not anyway, I’ll let you speak for yourself), but blueberries are an excellent source of antioxidants and a very low sugar fruit. They also taste excellent.

From Jonny Bowden’s blog:

You’ve probably heard me rant and rave about blueberries. I eat them about six out of seven days a week, I gave them a “star” in my book “The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth“, and I’ve spoken at length about their high antioxidant content, their low sugar content, and their ability to boost memory.

Well, get ready for some hot news: Blueberries may also help banish belly fat.

A new study by researcher E. Mitchell Seymour, MS, of the University of Michigan shows that rats that ate a diet high in blueberries lost abdominal fat- the kind linked to increased waist size and increased risk for diabetes and heart disease. This happened even when the rats ate a high-fat diet. As an extra added bonus, the blueberry eating rats also had improved glucose control (meaning their blood sugar was more stable).

The researchers suggest that blueberries- with their high antioxidant content- may somehow alter the way the body stores and processes sugar, great news for those at risk for both heart disease and diabetes. “Our findings in regard to blueberries show the naturally occurring chemicals they contain, such as anthocyanins, show promise in mitigating these health conditions,” said researcher Steven Bolling, MD, of the University of Michigan,

In the current study- presented at Experimental Biology 2009- rats were bred to become obese were fed either a low-fat diet or a high-carb diet, both of which were enriched with whole blueberry powder (about 2% of their total caloric intake).

After three months the rats fed the blueberries had improved glucose control and improved insulin sensitivity. Better glucose control and improved insulin sensitivity are both strongly related to lowering the risk for diabetes.

I personally love frozen blueberries mixed with cottage cheese for a great dessert.

Want to help speed weight loss?

25 05 2009

Silly question, of coure you do! Check this article out. It is from a site that I would like to link to (ETR), but google thinks that site has a virus. If you want to, google for Early to Rise. They have some good articles, maybe update your virus definitions before you do.

Big Health News Flew Under the Radar
By James B. LaValle
I read a study recently that could be some of the most important health news I’ve seen in a long time, especially for you “apple” shapes out there. Yet there have been no headlines – at least not yet.
The study – published in the Journal of Nutrition – found that taking in plenty of non-starchy vegetables and more magnesium helped increase the production of adiponectin, a hormone found in fat cells. The researchers were careful to look for any other factors that could have affected the results, but found none.
Adiponectin increases the effectiveness of insulin. In other words, it helps your cells absorb glucose. If you have plenty of adiponectin, your insulin production is lower, your blood sugar is better controlled… and that adds up to a lower risk of diabetes and heart disease. But it may also mean you would have a much easier time controlling your weight.
Unfortunately, when we gain weight – especially in the waist or belly – adiponectin production goes down. (This is one reason belly fat is so harmful for your health.) And, indeed, the researchers found that the higher the subject’s adiponectin level, the lower the subject’s weight. The lower the adiponectin, the higher the weight.
So the big news is that simply by increasing your intake of non-starchy vegetables and supplementing with magnesium, you can increase a hormone that will help you lose that belly fat and decrease your insulin resistance.
Reduce your intake of starchy carbs – especially refined flours and sugars. And eat eight to 10 servings of non-starchy vegetables every day. Non-starchy vegetables are very low in carb grams and calories. They are nutrient-dense foods – loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, and other beneficial phytochemicals in a very low-sugar, high-fiber package.
A little extra magnesium helps too. The best food sources are nuts, seeds, and beans. However, I recommend taking in at least an extra 300 mg per day, especially if you show any signs of being low in magnesium (e.g., tense and tight muscles, constipation, or restless leg syndrome). The best forms are magnesium malate or amino acid chelates like magnesium glycinate or magnesium taurate.

Big Health News Flew Under the Radar

By James B. LaValle

I read a study recently that could be some of the most important health news I’ve seen in a long time, especially for you “apple” shapes out there. Yet there have been no headlines – at least not yet.

The study – published in the Journal of Nutrition – found that taking in plenty of non-starchy vegetables and more magnesium helped increase the production of adiponectin, a hormone found in fat cells. The researchers were careful to look for any other factors that could have affected the results, but found none.

Adiponectin increases the effectiveness of insulin. In other words, it helps your cells absorb glucose. If you have plenty of adiponectin, your insulin production is lower, your blood sugar is better controlled… and that adds up to a lower risk of diabetes and heart disease. But it may also mean you would have a much easier time controlling your weight.

Unfortunately, when we gain weight – especially in the waist or belly – adiponectin production goes down. (This is one reason belly fat is so harmful for your health.) And, indeed, the researchers found that the higher the subject’s adiponectin level, the lower the subject’s weight. The lower the adiponectin, the higher the weight.

So the big news is that simply by increasing your intake of non-starchy vegetables and supplementing with magnesium, you can increase a hormone that will help you lose that belly fat and decrease your insulin resistance.

Reduce your intake of starchy carbs – especially refined flours and sugars. And eat eight to 10 servings of non-starchy vegetables every day. Non-starchy vegetables are very low in carb grams and calories. They are nutrient-dense foods – loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, and other beneficial phytochemicals in a very low-sugar, high-fiber package.

A little extra magnesium helps too. The best food sources are nuts, seeds, and beans. However, I recommend taking in at least an extra 300 mg per day, especially if you show any signs of being low in magnesium (e.g., tense and tight muscles, constipation, or restless leg syndrome). The best forms are magnesium malate or amino acid chelates like magnesium glycinate or magnesium taurate.

A little tenderness

25 05 2009

For those of you old enough to remember when MTV actually was cool and played music videos, you may remember this one hit wonder that for some reason entered my mind a few days back. I think we could all use a little…

I don’t know when to start or when to stop
My luck’s like a button
I can’t stop pushing it
My head feels light
But I’m still in the dark
Seems like without tenderness there’s something missing
Where is the
Where is it?

I don’t know where I am but I know I don’t like it
I open my mouth and out pops something spiteful
Words are so cheap, but they can turn out expensive
Words like conviction can turn into a sentence

I held your hands
Rings but none on that finger
We danced and danced
But I was scared to go much further with it
Just half a chance
Make sure that one night you’re here,
But next night you’re not
It always leaves me searching for a little

Where is the
Where is the

Whistling in the graveyard
Calling up your girlfriend
Just trying to make her understand
You’re squeezing the telephone like it was her hand
No question (so many questions)
She’s going to catch you out boy
It all seems so underhand
Now she’s the only thing that ever made you feel like a man, man
Madman, madman

Where is the
Where is it?

I held your hands
Rings but none on that finger
We danced and danced
But I was scared to go much further with it
Just half a chance
Make sure that one night you’re here,
But next night you’re not
It always leaves me searching for a little

Where is the

I’m just sick to death of second best, pet
Why should the morning always find you unimpressed?
Is your love like a button?
You can’t stop pushing it?
Oh this all night longing can be such a long time

Obesity is a spiritual problem

18 05 2009

My focus has moved away from weight loss into spirituality. In doing so, I’ve found a new passion, gained new insights into myself, and had some amazing experiences.

On top of it, I’ve lost 11 pounds.

I know that my body is changing to reflect the condition of my soul and my relationship to source. Now, I’m back on a low-carb diet, but for the first time ever, I’m not obsessed with food. I could care less about food most of the time.

More on this soon, but ask yourself this, are you using food to fill up a hole inside of you? Is this hole maybe caused by the fact that you’ve been neglecting your relationship to the divine?

Livin’ on the edge…

20 04 2009

My edge right now? Well, I have a couple.

One is speaking and living my truth. I have a very hard time talking to people about the thing that most concerns me and that is spirituality. I work in a corporate environment in the midwest, and I’m not sure most people would relate. Sometimes I feel like holding in my truth is killing me. I’m not sure how much longer I can stay in this environment. I think it’s about time for a change.

The next edge is attachment to outcome. I’ve heard that one should not be attached to outcomes, but that it is ok to have preferences. Sometimes I still want things so bad, I can taste them. I remind myself that I am all I need, I am enough, and that no matter what happens, I will be ok, but that doesn’t really diminish the wanting.

Things to work on, things to work on. But do I really need to work on them? Is there anything to really do? Or is it just a simple shift of perception? If so, how do I allow this shift to happen?

Man up

19 04 2009

In my heart of hearts I know it well
Been giving myself the soft sell
Anyone can see that i’ve been running away
Not facing the day that’s here

It’s time to man up
I’m man enough
It’s time to man up
I’m man enough
I’m man enough for you
It’s time to man up

The phone is off, the blinds are down
Me and my heart are out of town
The sign is hammered up
Do not disturb
Don’t say another word to me

It’s time to man up
I’m man enough
I’m man enough for you
It’s time to man up
I’m man enough
I’m man enough for you
It’s time to man up

In my heart of hearts I know it well
I hit the ground hard when I fell
Not licking wounds but more like sewing them up
Man it was rough for me

But it’s time to man up
I’m man enough
I’m man enough for you
It’s time to man up
I’m man enough
I’m man enough for you
It’s time to man up

My Vision Statement

19 04 2009

I worked with my coach, Ray, to come up with a vision statement. It took a few minutes, but after talking about helping people connect to source, to grow, and to know themselves, I came up with this.

My vision statement is to raise the consciousness of all human beings.

That is a big statement, but I know I can do it. I can find a way to touch every human being on this planet.

My first goal is to raise my consciousness. I meditate daily, and I read and watch spiritual books/videos. I just finished David Deida’s Way of the Superior Man. Excellent book. A few movies that have really struck me lately are Yes Man and Wanted. I have physical practices as well, yoga, weight lifting, etc. I’m still missing something, however. I do not routinely feel connected to source. I know that this is an illusion because we are always connected to source. I want to find a way to realize my connection with source in every moment. Let me restate that. I WILL realize my connection with source in every moment. How can I do this? I’ll let you all know when I figure it out.

I’ve been realizing a lot of other things lately:

1. There is an energy that all living beings have and if we are tuned in well enough to ourselves, we can feel this energy coming from others. I’ve felt it several times in the past month. The first time blew my mind open. I’m now taking a class led by a psychic and an astrologer. I never would have seen myself in this situation in a million years, but I need to speak and live my truth. My truth is that there are things that I’m feeling that cannot be explained via conventional means so I’ve got to seek out other teachers, knowledge systems, and ways of being.

2. To grow you have to live on your edge. I’ve been living on my edge a lot lately, and I’ve done things that I never thought I would do. Sometimes I still fall back into my comfort zone, but something changed in me that makes me feel like hell when I’m skating by in life. I can’t do it anymore.

3. Life is choice. Choose your life wisely. Make the choices or they are made for you and your life turns into shit. Do you want a shit life? I don’t.

4. The biggest gift I can give is my strong masculine energy. I never had a strong, healthy example of masculine energy in my life (just abusive step-fathers). I find myself losing touch with my masculine center frequently. It sucks. I know when I’m there because I feel uncertain, scared, and indecisive. I’m still struggling with this.

This is just a random dumping of what is going on for me lately. Things are changing, I’m changing, life is changing. My focus isn’t so much on my physical health as it is on the health of my whole being.

I’ve been off on a journey

5 04 2009

A strange one at that. My entire world is changing before my eyes. First, it started on the inside, but as it is on the inside so it becomes on the outside.

I discovered a new diet program. I’ve not lost any weight on it, but right now my body seems to have other plans. That’s ok. I trust my body. I’ve not gained a pound and I keep gaining muscle.

The new diet program is the not a diet at all, it is called the Gabriel Method. If your body wants you to be fat, guess what, you’re gonna be fat.

I’ve rediscovered a very good song that I’ve always liked:

Ship of Fools by Robert Plant

On waves of love my heart is breaking
And stranger still my self control I can’t rely on anymore
New tides surprise – my world it’s changing
Within this frame an ocean swells – behind this smile I know it well

Beneath a lover’s moon I’m waiting
I am the pilot of the storm – adrift in pleasure I may drown
I built this ship – it is my making
And furthermore my self control I can’t rely on anymore
I know why – I know why
Crazy on a ship of fools
Crazy on a ship of fools
Turn this boat around – back to my loving ground

Who claims that no man is an island
While I land up in jeopardy – more distant from you by degrees
I walk this shore in isolation
And at my feet eternity draws ever sweeter plans for me
I know why – I know why
Crazy on a ship of fools
Crazy on a ship of fools
Turn this boat around – back to my loving ground
Oh no, oh no – ship of fools —

I love those first two lines, “On waves of love my heart is breaking, and stranger still my self control I can’t rely on anymore”. This is track number 1 on the soundtrack of my life, right now. I know why…

I’ve been getting up at 5:00 or 5:30 AM each day and meditating for a bit. I’ve also been doing a simple yoga set of exercises that I picked up from Anmol Mehta for spinal warm-ups that I use before I meditate and lift weights. I think it has had other benefits besides a looser back, but that is a tale for another day. My friend Swati shared this site with me (amongst many other wonderful things, I am deeply indebted to her for the grace and dignity within which she related to me).

The relationships in my life are improving and intensifying, I’m feeling calmer and more centered each day. I’ve met some interesting new people and I’ll be meeting more very soon (maybe you’ll be one of them?).

If you look around at a life that you don’t like, the first thing to realize is that it is the life of your choosing. Look at what you have chosen for yourself, my friend. This will hurt for some (most?) people, but knowing that this is a life of your choosing allows you to make different choices. Wake up. Make the choice. Do the thing you are most scared to do. Look that demon in the face. Your life will change at a rapid pace.